Thursday, March 14, 2013


I had a good time making this webspinna. The hardest part was finding online sound making resources. The workshop we did in class really helped with that. I began the process of compiling my sounds by picking a connecting theme—I wanted my webspinna to feel complete in that way. I ended up stuck on the idea that I wanted the theme to be humor—kind of celebrating laughter. That choice dictated a lot of my sounds, I used laughter, comedians, and online clips that many people recognize and laugh at. I was also able to find some beats that tie it all together, that helped a lot. Altogether I like how it turned out. It was a fun activity to have outside of class and be able to meet people's friends and family--albeit, not many could stay the whole time.

I really liked the discussions we had in class about glitch art, but I didn’t understand how to incorporate it into my webspinna since we were told not to manipulate the sounds we found, just to use them the way we found them. I did try in some ways to create moments of smooth workings and moments of “glitch”: I had the psych theme playing with quotes from psych, but I also had a mash of stand up comedians with a beat behind them.

I think it is interesting that this assignment was given to help us think of the web as not just a place for information and communication but also full of things that can be made into art. It is interesting because more and more I think that our “norm” is to not see it as a place for information. I think that already the most common uses of the internet in younger generations is YouTube, blogging/tumblr, and online gaming. People use youtube to show their creations, they blog with pictures they’ve created or taken to express or represent themselves, and people use online gaming to create identities and sometimes to make videos. So these experimentations are turning into the norm.

Fox flute
Psych song
f sharp

Psych song
Regan :30
Carey 10:32


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